Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Ever heard the phrase. . .

Ever heard the phrase "can't find your butt with both hands"? This morning I couldn't find my head. Yep. . .that's right. . .couldn't find it. I woke up this morning and found myself draped across my bed, never fully realizing my head was hanging over the side. I raised my hand to scratch the back of my head, and it was gone! My head was gone!

"Somebody help me! I lost my head," I screamed. The only answer was the ticking of the bedroom clock on the wall. I had forgotten school started back today, and my hubby was back at work. I knew better then to call to Robert for help; if he found my head, he would probably use it as a bocce ball.

"Okay, I need to calm down. My head has to be around here somewhere. It couldn't have just popped off and rolled somewhere. Maybe it's under the bed." Dummy me. The whole time I was talking out loud, never realizing my precious noggin was still attached.

Finally the sound of Robert waking up caused me to jerk my head up. "Oh, here it is on my shoulders! Right where I left it!" I am sooooooo glad John wasn't home to witness this brief moment of insanity.

Let me explain myself. In the past three days, I've gotten about twelve total hours of sleep. Having two sick children, and a roaring chase of bronchitis myself has made it almost impossible to sleep. Last night was the first decent night's rest I've gotten, and I guess my body caught up with me. I have to face it; I can't go for days without sleep anymore. I'm not as young as I used to be. *Sigh*

Hook Em' Horns!

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