Friday, April 21, 2006


There were other things I was going to write about today, but I got this info and I just HAD to share it!!!!

Even as I type this, tears blur my vision and I can barely see the keys. I just got a call from the school; my oldest son, Jonathan, won the sixth grade essay contest. It may not seem like a big deal to some, but for us, it’s a huge accomplishment.

You see, almost thirteen years ago, my son almost didn’t make it into this world. After two days of my being in labor with him, Jonathan’s heart rate dropped drastically, and a C-section was performed.

In the years following, Jonathan was plagued with seizures, and it was discovered he had learning and speech delays. Various neurologists linked the delays and seizures to his difficult trip into the world.

In school, Jonathan is teased and tortured by classmates because of his delays. Still, he is a cheery little soul and endures much of it with a forgiving heart, something I sometimes lack.

There’s no need to ask if I’m proud; no book or magazine deal could top what I’m feeling right now. For once, something has gone right for my child.

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