Thursday, April 13, 2006

cRaZy NiGhT

The dawn of a new day has finally arrived, and I sit here in my wooden office chair, clutching my coffee cup as if it were a sacred goblet. Almost mechanically, I raise the cup to my lips, savoring every drop of its precious contents. I look out the window and see my dog, Blue, frolicking merrily in the yard. He has a habit of dragging things into the yard; last time it was a shovel from the garage, this time it’s my shoes. I really wouldn’t be surprised if that crazy dog found a body and dragged it into the yard, I thought.

That would be a hard one to explain to the police. Oh no, officer. My dog really did find the body and dragged it up here, honest. During my time as a deputy, I wouldn’t believe that crazy excuse, and neither would these officers.

Before I could say “Sopranos”, I would be cuffed, put in the patrol car, and whisked off to the county jail. My neighbors would stare after the departing car, shake their heads and say, “We always knew it would happen. She finally went crackers and whacked someone.”

As usual, I digress. I know I should go outside and discipline the dog, but it takes energy, and energy is something I don’t have. It was a rough night. The toddler woke up around three in the morning, shrieking with gas pains, and couldn’t get back to sleep. Seth brought an uninvited guest home from school yesterday, and that was keeping him up; the guest was a virus. The poor boy spent most of the night in the bathroom making friends with the toilet.

The toddler was still gasy, gained energy, and refused to go back to sleep. There’s really very little to do in the wee hours of the morn, so I entertained him by playing “Super Smash Brothers” on Nintendo. He’s still too young to play, but he enjoys seeing the Pikachu, Mario and Luigi characters. Later on, he lost interest, and wanted to watch, of all things, the news.

I was so exhausted; every time I closed my eyes, I saw the pink, gum blob shaped, Kirby character flapping his tiny arms, struggling to break the targets. Either that’s a sign of sleep deprivation, or I’m subconsciously yearning to become a gum blob shaped character in a video game.

The house is quiet now, and my precious angels are getting the rest they need. I'm off to seek the refuge of my comfy bed before I yanked out of dreamland by the calls of "Mommy, can I. . ."

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