Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Going crazy. . .wanna come?

For me, going crazy is a short trip. During the past couple of days, Blogger has made my blogroll it's main entree. If this keeps up, I'm seriously thinking about moving my blog to another server. Any suggestions?

I've been extremely busy lately. My "plate" is not only full, it's over-flowing. In addition to writing, I've decided to take the html classes I refered to in early an earlier post. Web page building has always facinated me; it's like a puzzle waiting to be solved. I breezed through the first four lessons thinking, Wow, this is a piece of cake.
Then they sent me the last lesson.The final lesson has struck me like a small tornado, leaving me dazed and confused. I typed in the wrong thing somewhere in the lesson, messed the entire webpage up, and now I can't find the error. Argh!

Lastly, I've recently entered another branch of the entertainment industry. Though I'm extremely excited, I can't help but feel apprehensive. The "waters" are shark infested, and too murky for me to see into the future. Still, life is about taking chances, so I hold my breath and dive in feet-first, hoping for the best.

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