Thursday, September 22, 2005

Here we go again.

It hit me like a ton of bricks as I was driving to Wal-Mart this morning. In less then twenty-four hours a potentially fatal hurricane will reak havok on Texas, I thought. The thought of this deadly intruder ripping through my state was almost more than I could stand. Just last month we had been put through the gut-wrenching episode of Katrina in Louisiana, now Rita; now in Texas.

Texas. The place of my birth, where I was raised, where I reside, and where I will someday die.

Wal-Mart and HEB food store were both scenes of complete chaos. The shelves in both the stores are almost completely barren, and stores from Waco to San Antonio are running out of bottled water, tuna, bread, peanut butter, and candles. It's crazy. People are actually fighting each other over jars of peanut butter. I got my stuff and got the heck out of Dodge.

I feel like we'll be pretty safe; we're 2 hours away from the coast, and the hurricane is veering more to the east.

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