Friday, May 19, 2006

Too tired to think

My behind is dragging lower than a car load of hippos coming back from an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. The past couple of days have been a blur; it all started Tuesday night when Robert (toddler) awakened in the middle of the night screaming. A mother knows when something isn't quite right with her children, and as I rocked the night away with Robert in my arms, I prayed it was just gas; but I had gut feeling it was something worse, much worse. It was.

His pediatrician was out, so a quick trip to the ER was in order. We've been there so much with broken wrists, kidney stones, ear infections, and bee strings, I really surprised the ER doesn't have a parking spot reserved for us. You know you've been there a lot when a physician's assistant knows you and the family on a first name basis.

The nurse, "C", met us in the exam room. "Well kid," he said, as he flashed me a smile, "what have you broken THIS time?"

"It's not me, it's Robert. I think he has an ear infection."

"Let's take a look." We wrestled Robert to the bed like a struggling young bull calf, and "C" looked into his ears. "Yep, right again Mom. Here's the kicker though, he has an infection in both ears." Just great.

"C" left and returned later with prescriptions, discharge papers, and two cans. He handed Robert a can of Gatorade. "For you, sir. And for you, madam," bowing low and handing me a can of Diet Coke.

"What's this for?"

"For you. You're going to need all the caffeine you can get. That is what you mom-type gals like isn't it? My wife does." I was exhausted, and moved to tears by his genorosity.

"Thank you," I sniffed.

"No need to get weepy over a Coke. Sign the papers and you're off."

Wednsday and Thursday were the easy days. Robert still wasn't sleeping at night, but he was somewhat calm during the day. Early this morning, the dam burst. Robert, as a result of the ear infection, began throwing up. John and I both were up with him, and neither one of us got much rest.

We don't argue much, but when we're sleep deprived, we get into some weird heated discussions; this morning it was over a ham I had purchased a couple of days ago. It was tough and grainy, and I was complaining about it.

"Why did you buy it anyway? You know we don't eat much meat, especially ham." John asked grouchily.

"Because it was cheap, and you can make the meat go fur."

John and I both giggled over my saying "fur" instead of "far." I was so amused with myself. "Oh great, I'm going senile before your eyes," I gasped. I tottered of to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. "I need this to smarten me up," I told John.

Later I sat and typed on the computer in the bedroom as John dressed for work. "You think you need coffee?" he asked. "I was just looking in the mirror thinking I need to put on my socks, but guess what? My socks are already on!" It's rare John goofs like that, so I thoroughly enjoyed having a giggle at his expense.

Here's a question though. How do you all cope with ear infections in children? Any and all advice would be appreciated.

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