Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Rush, rush

I'm feeling queasy at my stomach for several reasons. I hate to do the "list" thing, but I think it's the only way I can explain everything.

1. I have a book signing this weekend-- This was a last minute decision on my part to do a book signing at the Hastings book store near my hometown. I have to fax the press release to the respective media there; I've already created a new flyer for Waco's Hastings and faxed it to them, so that's taken care of. I'm really nervous because this is the "hometown crowd," the people who were my worst critics when I was a young adult. After the signing at Hastings, I may have another signing at the local B. Dalton's book store.

2. I'm still trying to get everything ready for my book signing NEXT weekend. I have to contact all the local papers in the greater San Marcos area, and get the release to them.

3. Some thirteen years ago, I was a deputy sheriff and took a thug off the street. I can't divulge too much info right now because I have to testify in court next Monday about the case. Won't that be cute when the defense asks, "Mrs. Roppolo, what do you do for a living?" My reply will be that I'm a freelance writer. The defense will have fun with that.

4. I just sent my new children's early reader chapter book, "Daisy's Soggy Boggy Day," off to the publisher. I still haven't heard from the publisher about my children's book, "What's Up Your Nose?'

After all this is over, I'm probably going to sleep for a month! (LOL)

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