Tuesday, October 04, 2005

New Orleans

It's been well over a month, and still the images of a devastated New Orleans haunts my thoughts. My heart breaks for the victims and their families.

I am so very glad that our Uncle Nat was found alive. He's a Catholic priest, and when the hurricane hit, he went to Mercy hospital to minister to the sick and dying. For a week we were on "pins and needles;" we had no idea if he had survived the brutal force of the storm.

i had visited him a few weeks before the hurricane, and he constantly worried over me. He thought that I wasn't eating enough, and kept pushing food at me. I agonized the whole time he was missing. I KNEW that he wasn't eating enough, if any.

Uncle Nat is such a remarkable person. He immigrated from Sicily in the 1930's as a young boy, and lived with his family in New Orleans. At 78, he still is active in the priesthood and walks 3 miles a day.

He was among the last to be evacuted, and was evacuated just in time. He told us later that he was having difficulty urinating. He and the rest of our family members that left New Orleans are still in shock; they refuse to talk about what happened.

Wonderful people, such as Katrina Martin-Davenport, have created websites that offers "messages of hope in the wake of Hurricane Katrina." The name of the site is "Katrina Heals," and definately worth a look.

If you are a pet lover, here is a wonderful poem that was emailed to me. The poem is called "Sit and Stay."

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