Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bouncing off the walls and a lesson

The book signing was wonderful this weekend. The book manager invited me back for another signing and informed me that after my event this past Saturday, Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul was #2 in store sales. Wahoo!!!!!!!!!

I met several interesting people at the signing, but the one who impressed me the most was a thirteen year-old girl.

She aproached my signing table at Hastings and started a conversation. She confided that she wants to be a writer, and wanted to know if she could "hang out" with me for a little while.

We chit-chatted a whilr, then she asked for the reason why I wrote "Some Snowballs. . ." I explained that it was a tribute to my father, his dog, and the unbreakable bond that they had for each other. Her eyes filled with tears as she confided that she had just lost her daddy a couple of years ago. I felt so sorry for this child; she looked so lost and lonely. I knew that was probably how I looked nineteen years ago.

I told her that the pain does get better with time. She said, "I know, and I think tragedy always makes us stronger."

I know in the back of my mind that an adult told her this, but her logic at that moment floored me. She stayed with me for about an hour until her mother told her that it was time to go. That young lady really made an impact on me.

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