Thursday, August 18, 2005

You know you're getting old when. . .

I posted this question a month ago to an online writing group. If you can think of any that you would like to share, speak up.
Have fun!

1. The bartender or cashier doesn't ask to see your I.D. when you purchase alcohol

2. The bartender or cashier laughs when you offer to show your I.D.

3. What you wore twenty years ago is popular again.

4. Your child asks you what life was like in the old days and the "old days" were the 1980's.

5. Your child proudly tells you that you are 3x's older then he is.

6. Boyscouts try to help you across the street.

7. You find it hard to stay awake past midnight.

8. The lyrics that Madonna sung in the 80's are now considered "PG"

9. Shows like "Three's Company" is considered vintage TV.

10. Your children have no idea what a record (audio) is

1 comment:

Big Dave T said...

I've heard once that you know you're getting old when your children look middle-aged.

Then a friend sent me a list that included the statement, "Every older person has inside a younger person saying, "What happened?"

Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. My father says he is going to sign on to my blog and set the record straight. He can't believe all these people saying I'm that nice.