Monday, November 20, 2006

New concept on scratch and sniff packaging

You all will never believe this. . .

Saturday, the family and I where running around like chickens with our heads cut off, trying to gather supplies for Christmas.

We have a superstore Wal-Mart in my town, but on a whim, we went to the new one in a town just a few miles north of us.

I will say, I was impressed; this store seemed cleaner and better organized than ours. Everything was going great until I met the associate from the netherworld.

Sent by John, Seth and I embarked on a quest to find honey. After five minutes of running up and down the aisles, we remained empty-handed.

"Hey, there's someone who can help," Seth proclaimed, pointing at the blue vest clad employee, who was stocking shelves.

"Excuse me madam, but can you tell me where the honey is?" The associate gave me leave-me-alone look, before turning back to her shelf stocking. Normally, to be ignored like this would have irritated the crap out of me, but I was in a mischievous mood because of the wonderful time the family was having together.

"Honey, can you tell me were you keep the honey?" I asked. Seth fought to keep his giggles under control as we approached her; still, she ignored us.

"Madam, could you PLEASE tell me WHERE YOU KEEP THE HONEY? I all but bellowed.

Again the associate turned to look at us, a package of instant potatoes in her hand. "Is there something you need help with?" she asked, a mystified look in her eye.

"Yes," I began patiently, "I need to know where the honey is."

"Umm, gee. . .I don't know," the woman said, scratching her butt crack with the package of potatoes.

Oh please let me be wrong about what she's doing,
I thought, shifting my weight from one foot to the other, trying not to gross out. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Seth, staring open-mouthed at the woman.

The more the woman thought, the harder she scratched her butt with the potatoes. "I don't usually handle the food department."

Gee, I wonder why,
I thought sarcastically, feeling a little sickened by what I had just witnessed. She put a whole new meaning to the term scratch and sniff packaging. LOL

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