Friday, October 27, 2006

I had a whole different post typed out, but it got erased. Ahhhhh. Calgon take me away!!!!!

I borrowed this from Much More Than a Mom.

A is for age: Which is a state of mind. In my mind, I'm still a kid, but in real life, I'm 36.

B is for beer of choice: I don't touch the stuff. I'm snobby with what I drink, I drink wine.

C is for career right now: writer

D is for your dog’s name(s): Blue

E is for essential item you use everyday: toilet, computer, and shower, but never at the same time.

F is for favorite tv show at the moment: Bridezillas For the record, I'd like someone to invent a show called Writers Gone Wild. It would feature overly-stressed people, like me, standing on top of the cream corn display in Wal-Mart, and hurling cans at other shoppers. No, I don't do that.

G is for favorite game: Play: Soccer Watch: Football

H is for Hometown:

I is for instruments you play: clarinet, oboe, tenor sax, alto sax

J is for favorite juice: Grape

K is for whose butt you’d like to kick: My own for erasing that story. Hey, that'd be pretty interesting to watch someone kick their own butt.

L is for last place you ate: Sitting on the couch

M is for marriage: Aw, that's awfully sweet for you to ask, but I'm already happily married.

N is for your name: Debbie

O is for overnight hospital stay: Two C-sections, and a car accident

P is for people you were with today: My family

Q is for quote: Live Like You Were Dying from the song performed by Tim McGraw. I know it's not a quote, but I like the philosophy.

R is for biggest regret: Not telling Dad I loved him for the last time.

.S is for sport: Football

T is for time you woke up today: 4 AM

U is for current underwear: White. Pretty darned boring, huh?

V is for vegetable you love: Eggplant

W is for worst habit: Sarcasm and stubborness

X is for x-rays you have had: Wrists and knees. C-SCAN when I had my car accident

Y is for yummy food you ate today: Homemade veggie chili

Z is for zodiac: Virgo.

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