Friday, October 06, 2006

Halloween Ideas

Thanks to everyone for your warm wishes. My back is tons better and once again I'm searching for adventure.

Autumn has arrived for most of you, but here. . .well. . .we're as dry as a forgotten raisin in a backpack. We need rain, badly. Anyway. . .Halloween is lurking around the corner. Have you decided what you're going to do? Here are a few suggestions for an enjoyable and memorable Halloween..


"What can I be for Halloween?" Ah yes, the "million dollar question"; unfortunately, there's not a "million dollar" answer to go with it. Scores of expensive costumes line the racks in department stores, but they all look the same, they have no "voice" of their own. Here are a few original costume ideas I hope you find useful.

Puppies for sale (toddler)(quick and easy)
1 cheap DALMATIAN or any other puppy costume (Yeah, I know I'm being a hypocrite, but you can usually find these very cheaply either at a thrift store or a dollar store)

1 cardboard box (big enough for the child to sit comfortably in, and the sides low enough so the child can be seen )

I children's wagon

Assorted stuffed toy puppies

Double stick tape

On the sides of the box, write the words PUPPIES FOR SALE, then place the box in the wagon. Put the child in the box, then using the tape affix the puppies to the inside of the box so that the heads and the front paws of the puppies are dangling just over the rim.

Basketball goal
This took me about 5 minutes to put together, and it won Seth "most original" at the city costume contest.

I large circular clothes basket

pair of white warm ups

1 pair of suspenders

1 or 2 nerf basketballs, depending on the size of the child or the basket. Also you can vary the size of the balls

face paint

Dress the child in white warm ups.

Paint the child's face with black face paint. Using any other color, put an H on one cheek, the score beneath it, a V on the other cheek, and a score beneath it.

Carefully, cut the bottom out of the clothes basket, making sure there are no sharp edges. Slip the basket over the child, and secure with the suspenders. Put the balls between the rim of the basket, and the child's body.

*This costume is awkward if riding in a car.

Morning Person (adult)
This was my costume one year and I loved it.

coffee cup
fuzzy slippers

Just put all the above clothes on, mess up your hair, and go have fun!


After the kids are trick-or-treated out, we huddle together on the couch and watch our favorite classic horror movies and pig out on snacks. Here are a few recipe links we use.

Kitty Litter cake

Brain Surgery Salad

Putrid Punch

Ants on a log
Peanut butter
8 celery stalks (leaves removed)

Cut each stalk into two pieces and fill with peanut butter. Top with raisins

Bloody hands
Frozen bread dough (thawed)
spaghetti sauce

Form the dough into the shape of a hand, and bake according to package directions. Cool slightly and drizzle with spaghetti sauce. For added creepiness you could stick a plastic knife into the bread once the bread is baked.

Rabbit's Treasure (carrot sticks)

Tuna Spook Sandwiches

Have a "howling" good time!

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